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County Coordinator: Tom Bombaci, Jr.
State Coordinator - Leon Moya
Ass't State Coordinators - Tom Bombaci, Jr. & Donna Cain-Ruiz
PLEASE advise County Coordinator of any broken links or other errors.  Thank you!

An official USGenWeb® Project site Dedicated to Free Information for
Home Family Genealogy use only.

County History

McKinley County was created 23 February 1899. It was named for William McKinley, who was the 25th president of the United States. The county seat is Gallup. Gallup is the center of the American Indian Inter-tribal Ceremonial. McKinley boasts a lumber industry, oil refinery, coal mining, and uranium production. It has within its boundaries the Navajo reservation and other Indian lands and ancient attractions.

                Your Daily Dose of the Mountains
McKinley County Statistics